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Collective Voices for Health Access

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The Collective Voices for Health Access coalition was formed in August 2022 (originally called Collective Voices against Health Xenophobia) and consists of more than 60 organisations and individuals in South Africa that resist health xenophobia in all its manifestations and who advocate for Universal Health Coverage for all. The Coalition challenges attempts to target and exclude migrant people from accessing healthcare as guaranteed under section 27 of the Constitution, the National Health Act, and other practices defined as health xenophobia and discrimination.  The HJI is one of its co-founders and sits on its Steering Committee.


  • 20 January 2023: Press Release “Collective Voices against Health Xenophobia strongly condemns Operation Dudula’s attack on patients at the Jeppe Clinic” Access here.
  • 6 March 2023: Open Letter to Minister of Health on countering health xenophobia (6 March 2023) – access here.
  • 31 March 2023: Coalition Declaration – access here.
  • 4 July 2023: Statement “Civil society organisations condemn Gauteng health facilities’ defiance of laws and recent court order on free access to health care for pregnant women” – access here.
  • 26 July 2023: Maternal and Child Health court order implementation project (SECTION27 and others v Minister of Health and others). Access advocacy materials and legal papers here.
  • 15 Sept 2023: Submission to the National Council of Provinces on migration-related aspects of the National Health Insurance Bill (B11B-2019).  Access here.
  • 17 Oct 2023: Launch of Collective Voices commissioned research report on responses to counter health xenophobia in the South African public health system from 2000-2022.  Report available here and webinar recording available here. Reel of main findings here.